Monday, April 7, 2014

"Simply Put, This Bike is A Blast!" New Tern Eclipse X20

The Ninja Pirate— The 2014 Tern Eclipse X20.

This would be the bicycle I gravitate toward the most. The wheels, the simplest way to dramatically improve the performance of any bike are in my opinion, flawless.  American Classic hubs are top notch, have been around for years and spin as if friction free.  Laced into them are .....  With forged bladed spokes these wheels are super light, super strong, and super easy to get rolling in a hurry!

The cockpit of the Eclipse X20 is simple and comfortable.  Perched atop the Physis handlepost, which is 3D forged making it practically bomb proof, is a flat Kinetic doulbe butted handlebar Ergon GS2 grips which are as comfortable as they are handsome.

Riding this bike really brings to mind "The joy is in the journey, regardless of destination".  For me, riding a bike is a mix of life's pleasures and the Eclipse taps into the part of me that is still 12 years old riding around the farm on my trusty BMX bike.  This bike takes me there and more.  As it's just as much fun but decidedly lighter and as cutting edge as a ceramic knife.  I promise you, if you ride this bike, you will love it.  If not, then you might be crazy.

Warm Planet Bicycles
1098A Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 974-6440

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